by admin | Oct 23, 2016 | 6-12 months, Feeding Difficulties
I am all for a child having a routine, in particular if this means children get all their nutrients and parents feel relaxed that they have had enough food. The problem is, when feeding becomes so scheduled that it ignores the natural appetite and satiety of a child.... by admin | Oct 18, 2016 | 6-12 months, Feeding Difficulties
Its been almost 3 months since my last post and I promised to go through the acronym STOMP as causes for feeding difficulties. This week in particular this entry seems important with the publication of a twin study from University College London on Fussy Eating and... by admin | Jul 25, 2016 | 6-12 months, Feeding Difficulties, News
I promised last week that I would expand on each trigger of feeding difficulties. I will start with size – or growth of a child, which next to texture transitioning is one of the biggest causes of feeding difficulties. First of all, it is important to get your... by admin | Jul 18, 2016 | Feeding Difficulties, News
Every week I see children with feeding difficulties of varying degree in my clinic. What I can tell parents is that it is common, you are not abnormal and that it is very difficult dealing with a child that does not want to eat. I do want to focus a couple of blog... by admin | May 1, 2016 | 6-12 months, Feeding Difficulties, News
There is almost not a week going by without parents asking me about the BLW approach. For those of you that do not know this approach it was developed by Jill Rapley, a UK qualified health visitor that suggested starting with soft pieces of food from 6 months of age... by admin | Apr 25, 2016 | Feeding Difficulties, News, Other
I have been meaning to write about this topic for some time, as I see more and more toddlers just sucking food from commercial food or refillable pouches. Undoubtedly, when baby weaning foods in pouches were introduced many years ago, it revolutionized feeding...