by admin | Jun 17, 2020 | Birth to 6 months, Eczema
Is this eczema? Should I worry about it? What creams should I use and are there certain foods that that I should avoid giving my baby? These are a couple of common questions doctors and dietitians get from parents with a baby that has eczema. For this webinar, Dr.... by admin | May 7, 2020 | 6-12 months, Birth to 6 months
Many parents may not have access to healthcare professionals to have their child’s growth assessed on a regular basis. In this webinar, Dr. Rosan Meyer, paediatric dietitian will go through how to perform measurements and assess growth with what you have at home and... by admin | Mar 17, 2020 | 6-12 months, Birth to 6 months, Feeding Difficulties, Medical Conditions, Toddler Nutrition
I have been shocked to see on social media all of the nutritional advice and remedies proposed to “boost” your baby’s immune system to prevent corona virus. Similarly many companies have been playing on parents concern and have been marketing vitamin... by admin | Mar 3, 2020 | 6-12 months, Birth to 6 months, Medical Conditions, Toddler Nutrition
Growth charts are often seen as growth lines that are only used by healthcare professionals. For me as a dietitian, growth charts are one of the best ways for inter-professional communications about the general health of a child. That is why it is so important for us... by admin | Aug 5, 2018 | 6-12 months, Birth to 6 months, Bottle feeding, Breast feeding, News, Toddler Nutrition
We have been having exceptionally hot weather in Europe and unlike other years where this may last just for a day or two, this seems to be going on and on. Babies/Toddlers (as well as elderly) are at higher risk of becoming dehydrated, because of their smaller bodies... by admin | Apr 23, 2018 | 6-12 months, Birth to 6 months, Bottle feeding, Breast feeding, Introduction of solids
The most common question I get in my clinic is about which probiotics should be used in children. The answer I give unfortunately can be quite disappointing for some parents because my answer is usually quite vague, unless I know specific research exists related to a...